
We are a team of highly experienced scientists, comprising academics, government scientists and graduate students.

Many of our members are also great science communicators and would be happy to present their work or talk about light pollution in general to schools, businesses, conferences, etc. If you are interested, please contact us with your request and we will put you in touch with one of our members.


Knowledge exchange to improve research and management of the impacts of artificial light at night

Mayer-Pinto, Dafforn, and Fobert, 2020, Austral Ecology.

White and amber light at night disrupt sleep physiology in birds 

Aulsebrook, Farley, Johnsson, Jones, Mulder, Hall, Vyssotski, and Lesku, 2020, Current Biology.

Streetlights disrupt night-time sleep in urban black swans

Aulsebrook, Lesku, Mulder, Goymann, Vyssotski, and Jones, 2020, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 

Artificial light at night causes reproductive failure in clownfish

Fobert, Burke da Silva, and Swearer, 2019, Biology Letters.

Live fast, die young: behavioural and physiological impacts of light pollution on a marine fish during larval recruitment

O’Connor, Fobert, Besson, Jacob, and Lecchini, 2019, Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Guiding lights: foraging responses of juvenile nocturnal orb-weavers to the presence of artificial light at night

Willmott, Henneken, Elgar, and Jones, 2019, Ethology.

High predation of marine turtle hatchlings near a coastal jetty

Wilson, Thums, Pattiaratchi, Whiting, Pendoley, Ferreira, Meekan, 2019, Biological Conservation.

Impacts of artificial light at night on sleep: a review and prospectus

Aulsebrook, Jones, Mulder, and Lesku, 2018, Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology.

Artificial light disrupts the nearshore dispersal of neonate flatback turtles Natator depressus

Wilson, Thums, Pattiaratchi, Meekan, Pendoley, Fisher, Whiting, 2018, Marine Ecology Progress Series.

Dim artificial light at night affects mating, reproductive output, and reactive oxygen species in Drosophila melanogaster

McLay, Nagarajan‐Radha, Green, and Jones, 2018, Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A


Artificial light at night as a driver of evolutionary change across the urban-rural landscape

Hopkins, Gaston, Visser, Elgar, and Jones, 2018, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Artificial light pollution: shifting spectral wavelengths to mitigate physiological and health consequences in a nocturnal marsupial mammal

Dimovski and Robert, 2018, Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology.

Coastal urban lighting has ecological consequences for multiple trophic levels under the sea

Bolton, Mayer-Pinto, Clark, Dafforn, Brassil, Becker, Johnston, 2017, Science of the Total Environment.

Artificial light at night desynchronizes strictly seasonal reproduction in a wild mammal

Robert, Lesku, Partecke, and Chambers 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Other Useful Links

Australian Dark Sky Alliance

International Dark-Sky Association 

The New World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness - Interactive world light pollution map

NERAL Twitter: @NERAL_aus